Welcome to Pulpit Pages
The Internet ministry of Chris Benfield, Pastor of Shady Grove Baptist Church, Boonville, NC.
Be sure and check for new material to be added. Currently, there are over 1,000 sermon manuscripts on Pulpit Pages.
If Pulpit Pages is helpful, add us to your favorites and visit often. New messages are posted as they are preached at Shady Grove.
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The sermons are here to benefit you, but it is not my intention to replace your personal study and meditation upon the Word of God. Please feel free to use them as the Lord leads, but I ask that you use nothing found on this site for personal profit or publication without my expressed written consent.
I appreciate you taking the time to visit Pulpit Pages and I would love to hear from you if this site has been a blessing to you. You can reach me at: [email protected].
In the Hand of the Master, Pastor Chris Benfield |
No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. I glean from a lot of resources, but I always seek to create my own material. As you look at the messages, you will see the influence of other men's thoughts. These messages are here for your benefit, but it is my desire that you will ultimately find the help you need to make the sermon your own. I always seek to give another preacher credit when I use his material and would ask that you do the same. |