I began our Bible study in Nehemiah last night. As I studied and prepared to introduce our new study, I was deeply burdened and challenged. I will admit that it has been some time since I felt the heaviness of soul that I do today. We are in a desperate situation in America. Society, in large part, has forsaken God. Many have as much as said that they want no part of Him or His Word. He has been removed almost entirely from the public arena. In our day of "political correctness" most are afraid to mention, much less associate with the Lord publicly. Those who do are viewed as backward, outdated, and even ignorant. Soceity has gotten to the place that it feels to educated and informed to believe in a lving God. "Religion" is something viewed as a crutch for those who lack confidence and need something to lean on. Our society has become to "intelligent" to accpet the truths of the Bible. Many today feel as if the benefits of church attendance have run their course. In our modern day, most consider church to be a waste of time, something that may have had benefit years ago, but is no longer relevant.
I suppose I would be conisdered old fashioned and fundamental by the main stream, and that is just fine with me. I have been this way all of my life and as I have reached middle age, I have decided that I am to old to change now. I do not say that out of arrogance or an unwillingness to learn, but out of conviction and commitment. I know there is benefit to serving the Lord and seeking to live according to His Word. I suppose, according to society, I am "foolish" enough to believe what the Bible says to be true. If the Bible declares something is wrong, I agree with that. I am convicned that the Bible is the sole authority for all of life's practice and principle.
I thought of a passage of Scripture found in Psalms 33.
Psalm 33:12
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord: and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.
Psalm 33:18-22
Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy; [19] To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine. [20] Our soul waiteth for the Lord: he is our help and our shield. [21] For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name. [22] Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.
Now, I am aware that this passage was written to the nation of Israel, prior to the coming of our Lord. We have to be careful when studying Scripture so that we don't apply promises reserved for Israel nationally to the church. This was given to them, but there is clear application for us and any other nation. A people who fear God and honor Him will be blessed. America once was counted within that category, but she has lost her way. The God of heaven, the King of kings and Lord of lords, is no longer the God of our nation. There are many who still seek Him and serve Him among us, but our nation as a whole does not embrace or welcome the Lord or His presence.
That is very discouraging, but I am also reminded that God is mindful of His own. His eye is upon those that fear Him. He is our source, our Anchor, our strength, and our hope. We as God's people need to seek Him and intercede on behalf of our land. We need a spiritual stirring that will result in a spiritual awakening. The only hope for America is for the people of God to be stirred and revived in their hearts. The lost and ungodly will never have revival. We are the only hope for revival. If a genuine revival were to break out, lost souls would be saved and we would see a difference in America.
The responsibility rests upon our shoulders. What will our generation do about the condition of society? What will the eternal history book reveal about the lives we lived? Will we rise up, seek the Lord, and make a difference, or will we turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the needs of our day. The church getting right and seeking the Lord is our only hope. The White House and halls of Congress will not legislate necessary change. That will only come through the church. Now is our time. Will we sieze the opportunity and assume the responsibility? I pray that we will. Time will tell, but I shudder to think what awaits the coming generation if we do nothing!
Preacher Chris
Neh. 4:6
So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work. I am beginning to make preparations for our Wednesday evening Bible study in Nehemiah. (You can find the entire series on the Old Testament Page.) It is a wonderful book in the Old Testament that deals with the struggles and triumph of restoration following the Babylonian captivity. Nehemiah was the official cupbearer of king Artaxerxes of Persia, who at that time had conquered the Babylonians. Nehemiah found favor in the sight of the king and was allowed to return to Jerusalem to begin the restoration efforts of rebuilding the walls of the devastated city. A key verse in Nehemiah is the one that I have chosen for the text of this post. The task they faced was a monumental one. The city had been ravaged and it lay in ruins. This was not a task for the weak, lazy, or uncommitted. Through the king, Nehemiah had gained the resources necessary to complete the task, but the people were required to do the work. As I consider the spiritual walls that are in such disrepair in America, I see a situation very similar to the task that Nehemiah and the others faced. We are not the first generation to face such a task, but I fear that we are lacking when compared to those who have come before us. We too have all the resources we need to accomplish the task at hand. The King has provided all we need to serve Him and be effective in our places of ministry. I am convinced that the major problem in our day is the simple fact that few have a mind to work. Many are well aware of the needs of our day. They are more than willing to point them out, and even complain about the situations we face, but few are willing to actually roll up their sleeves and get involved in the work we are engaged in. The modern church is suffering from a lack of real commitment. We will never overcome the adversities we face or see real, consistent growth until the people of God develop a mind to work. It is hard enough to get people out of bed in time for Sunday School, much less commit to the greater burden of becoming actively involved in the ministry of the church. We need a revival of commitment unto the Lord and His work. I have told our folks several times, Church isn't something we do, it is who we are; it isn't a place that we attend, but a life we live. As we think about the great task before us and the need for those to get involved, may I ask a couple of questions? If not us, who? If not now, when? If not here, where? Our Lord gave His all for us as He bled and died upon the cross! He didn't stop short of fulfilling redemption's plan. We are saved because He was willing to give His life for us. I think the least we could do is give ourselves in service to Him! Do you have a mind to work when it comes to the things of God and the task at hand? If not, I pray that God will stir your heart and move you from your seat of complacency and inactivity. Preacher Chris I apologize for my absence from the blog as of late. I have been especially busy with the duties associated with pastoring. God has blessed me with a great church and it is an honor to serve His people. I have had obligations that were more pressing that taking the time to post here, but I did want to take a moment to stop by today and let everyone know that I hadn't abandoned the blog.
So, things have been going well at Fellowship. Sunday was a great day for us. We enjoyed a precious manifestation of the Lord's Spirit, especially in the evening service. I know that we aren't saved by feelings and we don't serve the Lord according to our feelings, but it is great to sense His presence in the midst from time to time. We began studying the book of 1 Thessalonians back in August and Lord willing we will finish that study this evening. That has been a great encouragement, as well as a great challenge. The church in Thessalonica wasn't perfect, but she certainly set a tremendous example for the modern church to follow. I pray that we will all be drawn closer to the Lord and seek to serve Him with a renewed passion and commitment. If all goes as planned, I hope to begin a study in the Old Testament book of Nehemiah next week for our Wednesday evening Bible study. I am in the beginning stages of preparation for Nehemiah and am excited about it. I truly believe that it will be a help to us as well. All of God's Word is good and beneficial if we will only take the time to study it. Well I hope you have a blessed day in the Lord and are making plans to attend His house this evening. I can't wait to get there and spend some time in His Word. I hope to be back somewhat sooner than I have in the past. Until then, keep serving the Lord and looking for His coming! Preacher Chris 2 Cor. 4:16-18
For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. [17] For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; [18] While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. Surely the apostle Paul, of all servants of the Lord, knew what it was to face adveristy for the cause of Christ. He was committed to sharing the gospel, seeking to see men converted from a life of sin to a life of santification in the Lord. However, much of his ministry was met with great opposition. It seems that everywhere he went, there were those who sought to undermine his ministry and hinder him in the work he was called to do. It would be an understatement to say that Paul was often weary in the journey. I am sure that he knew what it was to suffer physical exhaustion, as well as mental and emotional fatigue. Surely there were days when he was tempted to give up or at least slow down, but we never see that temptation heeded or given in to. He remained committed to the Lord. Even though the outward man, the physical body, suffered pain and fatigue, his inward man, or spirit, was renewed day by day. Each time he felt as if he could no longer endure the physical demands of ministry, God renewed His spirit and gave him the strength and desire to press on in the journey. This past week was as demanding physically and emotionally as any I can remember. There are times in our lives when we get weary in the journey. There are days when it seems as if it is a sturggle just to put one foot in front of the other. There are seasons in which we feel as if we do not possess the strength or the wisdom to endure. It is during those times that the Lord always provides exactly what we need. Even though ministry and life itself can be demanding and a bit overwhelming at times, it is still the greatest honor and privilege to be used of the Lord. As I consider the busyness of the past week I rejoice that God has chosen me to have a small part in His kingdom work. I had the privilege and opportunity to serve the Lord by giving of myself for the needs of others. Even though the outward man grows weary, the inward man is renewed day by day! I know that each of us who follow the Lord have had times when we felt as if we have more to do than we could possibly accomplish, but He always provided the strength we needed to fulfill our obligations. Ministry may be demanding, but it is also rewarding. I am blessed to have the opportunity to serve the King. I wouldn't trade what the Lord has called me to do for the most lucrative position in the world. There is a peace and contentment that comes with serving the Lord. Some reading this post may not be in full time Christian service like a pastor is, but the principle remains the same. Whatever God has called you to do, wherever He has placed you, is a miraculous thing. Have you ever pondered the idea that God has chosen to use you in whatever capacity He has? It may be that you are a Sunday School teacher and you feel as if no one really notices or appreciates the effort that you put into studying and preparing your lesson. That may very well be the case, most may never realize the sacrifices you make to teach that class, but rejoice that God has allowed you a place of service in His work! It is an honor and a privilege to be used of God in any capacity. I am not worthy of the place that I have been called to stand, but I am thankful for the opportunity. I want to do all that I can to put forth the effort necessary to honor my Lord and fulfill my obligations. There is no greater joy than being used of the Lord in some aspect of ministry. So the next time you are tired and weary because of the busyness of Christain service, rejoice that you had the opportunity to grow tired being used of the Lord. Preacher Chris |
![]() I am Chris Benfield, pastor of Shady Grove Baptist Church in Boonville, NC. Here you will find some of my thoughts, particularly relating to the church and serving our Lord.
June 2015
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