I want to take a moment to apologize for the mess this blog was in without me being aware. I have noticed a lot of interest in the post concerning "Having a Mind to Work" and I thought I would add a link to the page where that series of messages is located. As I was doing that I noticed many of the archived entries looked as if portions of their text were missing. I set to work hoping to fix the problem, thinking there must've been a technical error. It turns out that the changes in format I made about a year ago also changed the font color from what existed on the original post. The text was still there, but it was so faint it couldn't be read. I entirely deleted a few posts before I figured out what was actually wrong.
If you have visited the blog page previously and noticed what appeared to be a random mess on some of the pages, I hope you will forgive my oversight. I earnestly desire this site to be a blessing to those who stop by and read it. I am aware there are countless other sites you could be viewing, and I want to ensure the best experience possible while you are visiting us.
Also, if you visit Pulpit Pages and notice something that appears to be out of order, please take a moment to email me and bring it to my attention. I post the content on a publishing site and am not on the actual website that often. Therefore it is possible for me to overlook errors that appear after the content is published.
I hope to be a bit more regular in posting. I am not making any promises, but I do desire to add more content on the blog in the coming year. I hope you have a blessed and prosperous year in your endeavors for our Lord.
Preacher Chris
If you have visited the blog page previously and noticed what appeared to be a random mess on some of the pages, I hope you will forgive my oversight. I earnestly desire this site to be a blessing to those who stop by and read it. I am aware there are countless other sites you could be viewing, and I want to ensure the best experience possible while you are visiting us.
Also, if you visit Pulpit Pages and notice something that appears to be out of order, please take a moment to email me and bring it to my attention. I post the content on a publishing site and am not on the actual website that often. Therefore it is possible for me to overlook errors that appear after the content is published.
I hope to be a bit more regular in posting. I am not making any promises, but I do desire to add more content on the blog in the coming year. I hope you have a blessed and prosperous year in your endeavors for our Lord.
Preacher Chris