Each day that we live we are faced with situations and circumstances of life. Some are humorous, others are quite serious, some are trivial, and others change us forever. We have no way of knowing what a day will hold when we step out the door to face a brand new day.
That is the situation we discover in John 6: 5-6.
When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come unto him, he saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat? [6] And this he said to prove him: for he himself knew what he would do. If you have been a student of the Bible for very long, you are aware of what is going on in these verses. A great multitude had followed the Lord into the hillside because of the miracles He had done. (Many today are seeking the Lord with improper motives, but that is another lesson.) Anyway, the day was quickly drawing to an end and the people were faint with hunger and weary from the long days' journey. Clearly they needed to eat and there was nothing to offer in the midst of the hill country.
As Jesus looked upon the crowd, He was moved with compassion to help them. He knew they needed to eat and He had already decided that He would feed them that day. He turns to Philip to dicuss where they might buy some bread that this great multitude might eat. This is the beauty of the story. The focus of this passage is not so much the miracle (although it is one of the greatest and well known of His miralces) that Jesus performed, but the faith of those involved. We cannot overlook the fact that Jesus knew what He would do. That is a profound and comnforting fact. Long before the need ever arose, long before the people ever grew hungry and the disciples became concerned, Jesus knew what He would do. Before the crisis materialized, our Lord already had the solution. (Keep that in mind for just a moment.)
Now, I want to deal with the thought I am pondering today. The question that Jesus asked Philip was not to gather information. He was not wandering if there might be a market somewhere close by to secure the bread needed for the multitude. The Scripture says - And this he said to prove him: for he himself knew what he would do. That has the idea of "a test or an examination." Our Lord already had this problem handled, but He was testing Philip, and the others, to see how they would respond.
We are each going to face situations today. The questions is: how will we handle them; how will we respond? Take comfort in knowing that our Lord is never caught by surprise with our situations. Before they ever come our way, He has already orchestrated a solution. We must learn to trust the Lord even when life seems impossible. We might even face something today that our Lord has placed before us to prove us. Will we pass the test? I suppose that depends on whether we look to ourselves and our abilities or look to Jesus and trust Him! I hope you enjoy your day in class with our Lord. It is my prayer that you will pass the test and grow in your faith!
Preacher Chris
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I am Chris Benfield, pastor of Shady Grove Baptist Church in Boonville, NC. Here you will find some of my thoughts, particularly relating to the church and serving our Lord.
June 2015
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