My wife's grandfather lived beyond 101 years old, but even that is brief when we consider eternity. Each of us are here for a very short time. There are only so many days that we have upon this earth.
James 4:14
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
As we consider the words of Scripture, we are further reminded that our lives are very brief; they are like a vapor or a plume of smoke that appears for a very short time and then it vanishes away, never to be seen again. With such a short life, one eventually has to consider how this life we have been given was lived. Our world is filled with people of all ages: some have just started living, just a few days old, others have just started to raise a family, many like me have reached middle age, and others are experiencing their senior years.
Take just a moment to consider your life up until this point. Regardless of where we are in life, none of us know how much time is left. We have no guarantee of another day upon this earth. It is not my intent to depress any who read this post, but rather get us to think about the focus of our lives. It has well been said that yesterday is a spent check, tomorrow is a promissory note, but today is cash in hand, so spend it wisely. How will be spend the day that we have been given? Will we spend it in fullness of life, seeking to serve the Lord and make a profitable contribution to those around us, or will it be spent with little influence or meaning? I know that my life is just a vapor. It is very likely that I am beyond the halfway point already. I want to make my days count for the Lord. I want to live them in light of His holiness, seeking to please Him in all I do.
If there is something that you have been meaning to get around to, I would suggest you make time and do it! If there is someone that you have been meaning to tell how much you love and appreciate, I would suggest you do it today. If you have a friend or loved one who has yet to come to saving faith in Christ, today is the day to speak to them. They are not guaranteed tomorrow, and you aren't either. That brings to mind another phrase that I have heard many times. "One life will soon be past; only what is done for Christ will last." Life is brief, so let's make today count for the Lord. Let's determine to live each day for the Lord and seek to accomplish His will in each of the days we have left.
Preacher Chris