Yesterday we began a discussion on a lot more being said than done. "When all is said and done, there is a lot more said than done." You will have to admit that this speaks of the day in which we live. In fact, it likely summarizes the majority of our churches. We talk a lot about evangelism and the need for missions, but most are unwilling to engage the culture around them for the cause of Christ. We talk about how much we love our church, and might even ask a close friend to attend with us, but what have we actually done to prepare for the services tomorrow? Have we spent time with the Lord in prayer? Have we read from His Word? Have we lived a life this week that reflects the Lord we serve? Have we studied our Sunday School lesson? Are you even planning to attend Sunday School in the morning? Is Christ the priority or just a portion of our lives
You see, there is a lot being said, but very little getting done. It is time to back up our words with genuine, heartfelt actions. It is time to quit discussing the needs and address them. It is time to move from simply talking about the issues and actually doing something about them.
So, if we are to accomplish more than idle talk, how do we go about it? Well I'm glad you asked. This is certainly not an exhaustive list, but it is a great start. We must seek to accomplish these basic elements if we are to be doers rather than just talkers.
1. Honesty - If we are to move from talking to doing we must be open and honest with where we are. We have to be willing to admit that we need to be doing more than we currently are. It is a hard prayer to pray, but we need to pray as David did. Psalm 139:23 - Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: Ask God to search your heart and reveal those areas that need attention. Ask Him to speak to you and show you what and where you need to serve.
2. Confession - Once God has shown our need, we need to confess it before the Lord and repent of it. We will never move to a state of needful activity until we repent of our complacent inactivity.
3. Prayer - I cannout emphasize the importance of prayer enough. If we are to accomplish anything of lasting value, we need the Lord's help. If we are to possess His presence and power, we must seek Him in prayer. Ask God to help you be a doer of His Word. Ask Him for the strength and confidence you need to stand and testify of His goodness. Ask the Lord to open doors of opportunity to serve Him. We will continue to talk more and do less until we are willing to talk to God first.
4. Participation - I know that sounds simple, and it is, but we just need to do the things that we already know to do. You will never accomplish anything for the Lord if you are unwilling to participate in His work. We must be willing to step out and do the things He desires of us!
5. Anticipation with Attitude - I say that with respect and honesty. I am not implying that we develop a careless or arrogant attitude, but that we fully expect God to use us for His glory. We ought to anticipate God to do the impossible and approach our work for Him with that attitude. We would do a lot more than we currently do if we really believed that God was completely in charge. We need to learn to trust Him and expect Him to move in our lives and circumstances. If God has put something on your heart in regard to serving Him, He will provide all that you need to accomplish that task. Serve Him with anticipation, fully expecting a positive outcome!
I pray that we will seek the Lord and His grace in our lives to move out of our comfort zones into the field of service. When all is said and done, there ought to be more done than said.
Preacher Chris
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![]() I am Chris Benfield, pastor of Shady Grove Baptist Church in Boonville, NC. Here you will find some of my thoughts, particularly relating to the church and serving our Lord.
June 2015
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